with the start of modest marce's kitchen this month, i decided i would post a little throw back to the beginning of "east+liberty", my etsy shop! the thing i love most next to baking, is home decor and design. here are a few photos of the "work shop" where me and my mom spent all day and night cutting, sewing, and hand stitching pillow after pillow. i picked out a few of my favourite pendleton fabrics to create the pillows, cause i like pendleton a little too much [i have a blanket obsession].

but i have to say.. the best part of this night was when my mom decided it would be a great idea to make gnocchi from scratch [like any true italian mother would], because we didn't have enough work to accomplish!

all in all, it was a great first night to kick off the shop & hope for many more pillow-making-italian-feast nights like these:) check out the shop! hope you like it. xo