i had chinese takeout twice last week (shhh..). when i finished my meal & cracked open the fortune cookie i thought to myself "o.m.g i could totally make these!" & here we are. i thought they would be difficult to shape as good as the actual take-out ones, but they ended up being pretty easy (plus taste a lot better then sweet flavoured cardboard). complete with much funnier fortunes than the wise chinese sayings. i think these would be so perfect for a dinner party or any type of party for that matter. it makes me want to host something, just so i can make them. i highly reccomend using a silpat, or a similar silicon batter as it can be difficult to peel them off the baking tray as quickly as needed. i would also like to point out the fact that i used a poutine bowl. it is new favourite cermaic bowl made by hugo didier & i will put ANYTHING i can in it.


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 20 fortunes


  • preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • in a mixing bowl whisk egg whites, flour, sugar, vanilla, water & salt until a smooth batter is formed.
  • on a silpat pour a tablespoon of batter and spread into a thin 4-inch circle. bake about 2-4 cookies per sheet, depending how fast you can move once they come out.
  • bake for 6 minutes, until the edges begin to brown. remove from oven and within the first 60 seconds fold each cookie.
  • to fold into shape, fold each cookie in half with the fortune inside and using a bowl bend the edges together. place in muffin tin until the cookie hardens into shape.
  • repeat this for the remainder of the batter.

like what you see? get it here. poutine bowl | silpat | linen